Here at the Iliad we like to be specific, so we’ve got hundreds of small sub-sections within our larger sections. Need a section on just kosher cooking? Yep, it’s there in the Cookbooks aisle. Want to chill with a beautiful book on textiles? We’ve got a section next to Fashion.
Here are some fun sections you might not know exist.

ANTHROPOLOGY PAPERBACKS – This section incorporates anthropology, archaeology, and sociology, and you’ll find both vintage and more contemporary books there. This section is near the west (Cahuenga) end of the front room, across from paperback psychology and religion.

ARTS AND CRAFTS MOVEMENT – Do you love the work of William Morris, Greene and Greene, and Julia Morgan? Then this is the section for you! These two shelves can be found near the end of Architecture.

CAROUSEL ANIMALS – Did you love merry-go-rounds as a kid (or an adult)? Did you have a favorite horse or animal you always rode? Now you can relive those wonderful memories by checking out our section on carousel animals, which you’ll find near the front of the Collectibles section.

INSECTS – Whether you’re trying to identify a weird creepy-crawly or considering taking up beekeeping, we probably have a book for you. The insects section is found in the Nature section, against the west (Cahuenga) wall of the front room.

NOSTALGIA – Located on a bottom shelf (below Counter Culture and The Beats) just opposite the front sales counter, Nostalgia is a veritable trip down Memory Lane! You’ll find books here on decades ranging from the 1920s to the ’70s.

PIRATES – Arrgggh! Whether ye be seekin’ jaunty tales or the more sober truth about pirates, you’ll enjoy browsing this section located on a bottom shelf in the transportation section near the west (Cahuenga) wall in the front room.

PUPPETS – Our puppets section is perpetually popular, so depending on when you come in it may be down to just a few books (as it is now!). We’ve had everything from books on making your own foam puppets to the history of Japan’s puppet theatre, so if you have an interest in puppets it’s definitely worth checking out this area, wedged atop the last section of General Theater.

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE BOOKS – Weirdly enough, Google continues to list us as a Russian bookstore, no matter how many times we try to correct that. We did actually get a large collection of Russian books recently, so we created a small area in our Foreign Language section. Look back in Aisle 6 in the second room.

THEOSOPHY – Not long ago, we acquired a huge library of theosophy books. Over at ebay we’ve listed a complete run of Theosophy magazine from 1912 to 1964, attractively bound in hardcover, but we’ve also got dozens of individual issues at $1.50, and various pamphlets and books starting at $3.50.

WESTERN FICTION PAPERBACKS – If you love Louis L’Amour or Zane Grey, this is the section for you! It’s back in our second room in Aisle 3, opposite the mystery paperbacks.